Monday, October 28, 2013

My Weekend!

My weekend was great! Until I ran out of the haunted house slipped and fell and hit my knee a pole. I was running from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. He chased us out and it was raining so I slipped and my knee a pole. My knee is now jacked up.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

My School Year!

I do NOT like school. I never have, and I never will. The only reason I like school is for social reasons, because I'm a people person. I don't care for the school food. It isn't good at all. I'd rather lick peanut butter off of a Hobos foot than eat the school food! Haha just kidding! But forreall!  But lunch is the best time of the day! I love to just sit and chat with all my friends and this is a perfect time for that! Tell me how your school year is going! Mines good it just the learning part is eh. Hah!